Using the wisdom of caring for the body, minding the breath and emotions and cultivating the spirit, we teach the value of leading a conscious and mindful life which naturally avoids dis-ease. And when a diagnosis has been given, we pass along thousands of years of wisdom on how to support healing holistically.

Our mission is to focus our efforts on supporting the millions of people who seek this information for their own health and benefit.


Created in 2003 when Christina began her studies in Medical Qigong Therapy. The name was chosen when she was brainstorming for a website domain name. Inspired by the lotus flower as a symbol of the soul’s journey upward from murky waters to clear skies in search of union with the Divine, she felt that it was the perfect name for the discovery that occurs during deep transformational healing.

The Rising Lotus has had many houses – Miami, Florida, San Francisco Bay Area and Atlanta, Georgia. The Rising Lotus has had the opportunity to teach in acupuncture offices, acupuncture colleges, universities, high schools, holistic pharmacies, health fairs, government health facilities, fitness studios and corporations. And, we are the only qigong instructors to have a TV show that’s been on air for over 6 years!

The Rising Lotus Qigong, LLC was incorporated in 2011 and the name and logo are now trademark protected.The Rising Lotus Qigong is currently growing and will be expanding into new fields, stay tuned for the latest developments!

Get to know us

Christina j. barea

Since 2003 I have been professionally dedicated to the development of the human potential in it’s physical, emotional and spiritual evolution (jing, qi & shen).

more about me

Peyton Young

He is a certified Master of Medical Qigong (MMQ), Advanced Qigong Instructor, Advanced Meditation Instructor,Reiki Master and Certified Master Hypnotherapist.

More about me

We provide quality total wellness services for the global community.


“Excellent course and instructors! Material presented in a way that is understandable and facilitates applying this information to my current practice. I had the intention originally to wait until later to pursue the next level but was so impressed with this course… am now going to go ahead and do the practitioner level and am very excited about it. Thanks!!”

Sharon / Atlanta, GA

“Good morning! Just wanted to take the opportunity to say how much I am enjoying your programming, particularly your most recent insight on near eastern cultures and also the addition of the eastern “fitness” routine of Qigong. Those practices are very calming and really help me center in the early morning. Thank you so much, once again, in being in tune with our communities and its’ needs!”

Julie / Atlanta, GA

“Christina is a brilliant and gifted teacher who graciously shares her vast knowledge and wisdom. Her unique approach to the art and science of qigong will long be of tremendous benefit to her students and the world at large. Christina is remarkable and we are very lucky to have her here in Atlanta.”

Patrick / Marietta, GA

“I am blessed to share space at our healing center with Christina and the Rising Lotus Qigong. Throughout a full year of working side by side in the healing arts, Christina has shown integrity and honesty to the highest measure and always follows through with her word. I have also received qigong healing from her certification class and found it very balancing and healing for the situation I presented on the day of my session.”

Essud / Alpharetta, GA

“Christina and Peyton, I really enjoyed class this weekend. It has opened up a whole new world for me. I feel that this is the start of a great journey for me. Thank you and I hope my energy was just as rewarding as the one I received this weekend.. I’m looking forward to continued work with you two…“

Benjamin / Atlanta, GA

“One of the most informative and enjoyable classes I have taken. I hold the course in the highest regards, I would advise any healer to take this course.”

Vivian / Roswell, GA

Christina and Peyton, I just want to thank you both for such a great seminar last weekend. It far exceeded my expectations. Even though I was familiar with the material, I was able to experience it on a whole new level…”

Tonya / Charlottesville, VA

“… I have been guided by Christina for the last 6 months and can now physically and psychologically get about ‘this business of living’ with minimal support.””

Michael / Sandy Springs, GA

“Christina is very caring and exceptionally in-tune with human beings in her midst (the energy, heart & mind). She connected with me and moved me in a profound way, like no one else ever has. She offered much of what I needed when I sought her out, based on an overwhelming recommendation from a friend. I will see her again, and also highly recommend her extraordinary talent to others.”.

Renee / Dunwoody, GA

“The teaching was clear- the content exceeded my expectations. I am leaving this class with understanding and tools that I can use for my own practice as well as my work with patients. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Lenni / Atlanta, GA

“I just wanted to write to you to tell you how much I love your series with Christina Barea & Peyton Young.They are excellent teachers who are so knowledgeable as well as personable…”

MH / AIB TV – Atlanta, GA

“I first found The Rising Lotus and Christina through her web site one year ago. I was searching for an authentic Qigong school and an instructor with deep roots in the practice. I knew I found this after my first class and have been coming every week ever since. I look forward to every Tuesday and now practice Qigong every day. It has truly added peace to my day and something to look forward to. Thank you Christina!”

Michelle / Stone Mountain, GA

“I practice qigong daily for my personal self-care as well as take weekly qigong classes at The Rising Lotus. The weekly classes have helped me cultivate the techniques of breath, purging and tonification in a way that I would not have accomplished if I had continued practicing qigong on my own. I have come to the realization that energy work is the glue that cements medical theory to personal wholeness.”

Patricia / Atlanta, GA

“Christina Barea has been a true blessing to me. She is a extraordinary healer in ways that I don’t fully understand. I am immensely grateful for the gifts and talents she has bestowed upon me with her medical healing. I began seeing her after struggling with my health for many months. I was suffering from the effects of multiple surgeries from Crohn’s disease yet I had no active disease…”

Emma / Atlanta, GA

“Christina and Peyton, I just want to thank you both for such a great seminar last weekend. Your ability to take information and present it in a way that everyone can walk away with an understanding, no matter what level they are at, is a gift. You guys are phenomenal teachers and are such an inspiration for me on this beautiful journey. I look forward to more of these seminars in the future.”

Tonya / Charlottesville, VA