- Ordained Buddhist Priest – Tendai, Shingon, Kagyu, and Zen Buddhist Training
- Disciple (Tu Di), Quan Zhen Longmen Pai (Complete Purity) Daoism
- Certified Medical Qigong Therapist – International Institute of Medical Qigong , International College of Medical Qigong and The Rising Lotus Qigong
- Medical Qigong Apprenticeship – Laoshi Christina J Barea, DP, MMQ
- International Institute of Medical Qigong – Certified Instructor of IIMQ Curriculum
- Advanced Medical Qigong Training – Advanced Neigong training with Dr. Bernard Shannon
- Yoga Alliance – Registered Yoga Instructor
- North Georgia State University – Bachelors of Science in Exercise Science, Health, Wellness, Rehabilitation and Personal Training
- Information Technology – 15 plus years experience in Network and Systems Engineering
- National Guild of Hypnotists – Certified Hypnotherapist
- Other Modalities – Reiki Master, Karuna Reiki, LA-HO-CHI Facilitator and Shamanic Training
- Journey into Daoist Mysticism – Qing Cheng Shan, China – October 2012
Peyton is an avid student of Eastern and Western philosophy, martial arts and spiritual practices. His interest in these arts is studying the multi-faceted expression of Life (qi) that is the underlying thread weaving each moment together.
He is deeply interested in total wellness and committed to assisting people discover practical and effective methods of unifying body, mind & spirit. He is dedicated to helping people find the small pearls of wisdom that move them forward in their energetic/spiritual growth.
He is a certified Master of Medical Qigong (MMQ), Advanced Qigong Instructor, Advanced Meditation Instructor, Reiki Master and Certified Master Hypnotherapist. He has had the opportunity to study advanced techniques of hypnotism with Igor Ledochowski, Buddhist and Martial studies Stephen K Hayes, Medical Qigong and Daoism with Dr. Bernard Shannon, Internal Alchemy with Laoshi Damo Mitchell, Taichiquan, Xingyiquan, and Bagua Zhang with Alan Pittman.
Peyton holds a BS Degree in Exercise Science and has used these skills in a clinical/hospital environment specializing in cardiac rehabilitation, physical therapy, group fitness; and privately in the capacity of personal training. His clientele includes Olympic athletes, high school and college athletes as well as the elderly and otherwise healthy.
He has been practicing martial arts for over 20 years. His training includes arts such as Aikido, Hapkido, Jiujitsu, Ninjitsu, Toshindo, Tang Soo Do, and Tai Chi Chuan Yang Style. He is currently learning Chinese internal martial arts including Tai Chi Quan, Bagua Zhang, Hsing Yi and classical Dao Yin.
Peyton is an ordained Priest in the Tendai Buddhist lineage of Stephen K. Hayes. Peyton has had extensive training in Buddhist meditation practices and is authorized to guide others through calm abiding, insight, compassionate action and initial vajra meditations. In addition, he is currently pursuing Daoist studies in the QuanZhen Lineage with DaoShi Bernard Shannon.
In the realm of wellness and medicine, Peyton has many talents. He combines his background in Exercise Science with Medical Qigong Therapy to specialize in kinesthetic and energetic blockages, and his talents include muscular pain and injuries, range of motion rehabilitation and creating healthy mind/body energetic patterns. As a graduate of several forms of meditation and hypnotherapy he is also adept at assisting the healing process with techniques such as affirmations, soul-retrieval, and releasing deep seated patterns of disharmony. Peyton is a compassionate healer with powerful Qi.
Peyton was a partner in a service based IT firm for over 10 years. He specialized in network administration, design, maintenance and all aspects of IT project implementation. His latest endeavors in the IT field include designing and implementing websites based on the Word Press platform including carts, memberships, and learning management system implementations.
“The greatest peace anyone can have is a calm abiding in the present moment. In these endless moments miraculous healing can occur. That is my wish for every person – to find that peaceful balance in all aspects of life – body, mind and spirit.” – Peyton Young