We offer a comprehensive system of training in Energy Medicine for Acupuncturists, Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners, Oriental Medicine Doctors, Massage Therapists, energy workers of other modalities such as Reiki, Healing Touch, Barbara Brennan, and anyone interested in mind/body medicine. Our programs have been especially noted to enhance the abilities of these practitioners and deepen their understanding of the interaction of the body/mind connection.

225 hour Medical Qigong Therapy certification


The curriculum presented by The Rising Lotus Qigong has, at its roots, the curriculum developed by the International Institute of Medical Qigong (IIMQ) which in turn is based on the Henan University’s (China) model of medical qigong instruction. However, after over 13 years of clinical, hospital and veterinary experience, we have reworked the teachings to better address the needs and challenges faced by practitioners working in non-Chinese healing offices. In other words, we recognize that for the system to be effective with patients who are not accustomed to the Asian way of life, certain techniques need to be modified to achieve immediate and tangible results. In addition, we have raised the standard of MQP requirements to a 225 hour minimum.

Our approach to this curriculum is unique in that we strive to give students practical skills to make them effective in a real-world clinical setting.  The Rising Lotus Qigong has expanded the content to give students the skills to teach, treat and be successful in a medical qigong therapy practice within a “Western” construct.

Our expertise lies in bridging the gap between theory, knowledge, and skill; providing our students with proven and effective treatment abilities. We base our method of instruction on years of experience in the martial, medical and spiritual schools (jing, qi, shen) that are the fundamental building blocks of medical qigong therapy. These concepts and experiences are essential to creating a qualified practitioner that can address the needs of a client in body, mind and spirit. While at the same time allowing you, as the practitioner of any modality, to sustain a thriving practice without the risk of clinical burnout

Topics include:

  • fundamental stucture concepts to enhance qi emission & sensitivity
  • learning how to emit qi
  • developing qi sensitivity
  • specific skills (hand postures, breathing) to improve qi emission and sensitivity
  • learning how to diagnose with Qi
  • a standard treatment protocol (The General Protocol)
  • specific treatment protocols for purging
  • specific treatment protocols for tonifying and regulating organs
  • how to establish a medical qigong practice
  • treatment of organ diseases (simple patterns)
  • medical qigong patient prescription exercises
  • 6 days of clinical experience

At the end of this 225 hour course, you will be granted the title Medical Qigong Practitioner – MQP from the Rising Lotus Qigong.

** Graduates of this course have the foundational skills necessary to work with clients in diagnosis, qi sensing and emission techniques, and prescribing qigong exercises. This program does not qualify to lead or teach group qigong exercise classes. If you are interested in obtaining quality instruction in leading safe and beneficial group Qigong exercise classes please click here for our Qigong Instructor Program.


  • Registration and Online Payment Form
  • Tuition is $3600 for the entire MQP program
  • Or $300 per module 
  • All new students receive a free ‘The Rising Lotus’ T-Shirt
Register Today!

Medical Qigong Practitioner Certification Course Information:

  • Course is presented in 12 modules, 2 days each module.
  • Modules FDN1, FDN2 and FDN3 are open to the general public, no pre-requisites, and are hosted virtually on our Academy.
  • Classes times for all MQP and CLN courses are in-person from :  10am to 5pm.
Module Hours Title Prerequisites  Class Dates
FDN1 14 Jing 1: Foundations of Qigong & the 3 Bodies none  Online Academy
FDN2 14 Qi 1: Foundations of the Energetic Matrix none Online Academy
FDN3 14 Shen 1: Foundations of Daoist Cosmology & Quantum Mechanics none Online Academy
MQP 1 14 Hand Postures & Qi Emission/Sensitivity Drills, General Protocol FDN 1, 2, 3 TBD
MQP 2 14 Metal Element: Theory, Diseases & Protocols FDN 1, 2, 3 TBD
MQP 3 14 Water Element: Theory, Diseases & Protocols FDN 1, 2, 3 TBD
MQP 4 14 Wood Element: Theory, Diseases & Protocols FDN 1, 2, 3 TBD
MQP 5 14 Fire Element: Theory, Diseases & Protocols FDN 1, 2, 3 TBD
MQP 6 14 Earth Element: Theory, Diseases & Protocols FDN 1, 2, 3 TBD
CLN 1 14 Clinical Internship & Case Studies I FDN 1, 2, 3  MQP 1-6 TBD
CLN 2 14 Clinical Internship & Case Studies II FDN 1, 2, 3  MQP 1-6 TBD
CLN 3 14 Clinical Internship & Case Studies III FDN 1, 2, 3  MQP 1-6 TBD
  58 Home Practice/Study + Online Academy    